Assalam & Happy Monday uolls
Fake hope or false hope.
Kalau diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa melayu bermaksud harapan palsu.
Kalau awak search google, awak akan jumpa pelbagai intepretasi antaranya seperti berikut:-
False hope is hope that is based on ignorance. Hope is justified when the hoping person knows and accepts experts' judgement about the probability of hope fulfillment. Justification determines if hope is realistic.
Berpinar juga mata nak faham bukan? :p
Banyak sebenarnya kisah tentang fake hope. Mostly, kita dengar, related to a love relationship.
This is just a rant. So ....hear this.
You like this one guy, he know you like him but he felt the other way.
He doesn't want to hurt you, so he treated you nicely.
But he never tell you anything about his feeling.
You keep showing him your interest in furthering your relationship with him, but ...
this guy .... macam not really keen in you but didn't show it.
Macam mana tu? Is this some kind of fake hope? I let you decide.
Another example.
You all dah plan cuti-cuti, six months before the actual date.
Everyone dah agreed to commit with the holiday expenses and to booked the date.
You are giving hope to the other team, this holiday will be scheduled as plan.
Six months to secure the date, as well as the budget.
But, at the very last minute, the plan was cancelled.
Reason being, budget tak ada and not available on the specific date.
Place already booked, and the deposit has been paid.
Sakitnya tuh di sini. Hahahaha
If you cannot commit, don't. Just don't.
On the other side, don't place too many high hopes, so you don't end with too many disappointments.
Ya, false hope is just a plain cruel.

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Komen pembaca yg comel...;p