Jumaat, 19 Julai 2013

Contest: Novel 13 Jam A380

I've read TWB. Finished less than a day. Different from other novels yang pernah saya baca. x sabar nak baca latest buah tangan from Evelyn Rose. For those who wanted to read more, just click : Evelyn Rose-Contest Novel: 13 Jam A380   

13 JAM A380 – Bab 28


Aku menarik nafas yang bagai tersekat. Yup, it is him. I am pretty sure. Mata aku melekat pada wajahnya. Seraut wajah yang tidak mungkin akan pernah aku lupakan. My 4 hours ex-boyfriend. Why it has to be him? After all this while and all out of the places I’ve been. Why on earth, I have to meet him here and at this point of time?
Kami bertentang mata.
1 saat. 3 saat. 15 saat.
The feeling is still there. At-least for me. Itu yang lebih merunsingkan aku, perasaan aku terhadap Haydar. Tidak berubah. Its’ hurt even deeper the moment our eyes met. Why is that so? Aku sendiri tidak mampu menidakkan rasa rindu yang hadir. Hati yang berdebar tadi makin hebat getarnya.
It is you.” Noktah. Aku tidak mampu untuk berkata lebih dari itu.
Dia tersenyum. Masih seperti dulu.
I MISS YOU! How I wish I could say that straight to his face. But I don’t have the guts. Pandangan matanya yang sayu, brings me back to the moment we shared together. All his words keep lingers.
Tiba-tiba aku rasa bagai hendak menangis. I know I’ve been waiting for this moment. I know I miss him dearly. I know. Oh yes, pathetic Hana. Pathetic me.
Uncle, this is my mommy.” Suara si kecil segera menyedarkan aku. Rasa kekok dan janggal itu masih belum hilang sepenuhnya.
Kening Haydar terjungkit dengan segaris senyuman tersungging di bibirnya. You are still as beautiful as I remembered.
Jadi, Hana Sofea masih belum luput dari ingatan? Benarkah begitu?
So, mommy ha? That fast?Dia menghela nafas pendek.
Aku sekadar menjungkit bahu. Mengiya tidak, menidakkan juga tidak. Aku biar dia fikir apa yang dia mahu. Aku pandang wajah Emmel yang sedang menyanyi-nyanyi kecil. Menghayun tangan sambil melompat anak di sebelahku.
Thanks for bringing her back.” Ucapku pada Haydar serta-merta.
Haydar mengangguk sebelum dia berlutut memanggil Emmel. “Come here, sweety. How old are you?
Si kecil segera mendapatkan Haydar. Jari- jemarinya diangkat sambil mengira.  “One, two, three, four..  I am four years old, Uncle.
Mommy, can we invite Uncle to join us for dinner?” Emmel memandangku sebelum beralih semula pada Haydar. “Uncle, come join us for dinner.
Haydar segera mendongak menatap wajahku. Aku teguk air liur. Kelat.
Mommy, boleh tak Uncle join us for dinner? Please, mommy.
Aku menarik nafas. Bagaimana Emmel boleh jadi selesa begitu dengan Haydar? Si kecil sudah memegang lenganku bila Haydar bangun dan berdiri di hadapanku.
Mommy? sekali lagi Emmel mendesak.
Wajah Haydar looked one kind. Tak tahu bagaimana hendak aku tafsirkan. Matanya seperti mahu menyatakan sesuatu. Like, please..
Ok, my little daisy.” Akhirnya. Sempat lagi aku menangkap senyuman yang terlakar di bibir Haydar.


Kami duduk bertentangan dalam sebuah restoran berdekatan.
What’s her name?Dia menyapu bersih wajahku.
Aku pandang Emmel yang duduk di sebelah Haydar.
“Emmel.” Jawabku pendek.
She certainly not yours right? She doesn’t resemble you.” Separuh berbisik Haydar bersuara.
Aku angkat tangan. Talking about sixth sense, Encik Haydar.
Studying and part-time babysitting?
Aku tidak terkata apa. Biarlah dia berteka-teki sendiri.
Hana, you know how hectic my life can be? I am missing a part of my life here. I know this might sound crazy.. but can you be my cocaine again?
Nafasku tersekat lagi. Am I only will be his cocaine? Matanya yang sayu itu kelihatan sangat-sangat berharap.
I needed that badly. A quick runaway, before I’m back to the so called frantic life of mine again?” halkumnya bergerak-gerak.
Aku masih terkesima dengan permintaan itu.
Me, you and Emmel. Just like a happy family I can never have? syahdu suara Haydar.
Air mata aku hampir mengalir. Argh! Syed Haydar. I can never push you, never.One hour. You, me and Emmel.” A happy Haydar would be a happy me too.
 Telefon bimbit berbunyi. Whatsapp dari Fawwaz. Hana, my meeting will be extended for few hours. Lepas berfikir dua tiga kali..
Ok. Let’s go. Let make this more memorable than ever.” Aku mencapai tangan Emmel, Haydar melakukan yang sama. Aku pandang Haydar. Dia pandang aku. Emmel pandang wajah kami silih berganti.
We are we going mommy?
Aku senyum. Haydar senyum sama dan kami bersuara serentak. “To the nearest playground.
“Ada lagi ke playground buka malam-malam ni?” aku bertanya.
“Kalau tak ada, we make one of it open for us.


Emmel dah tidur kat pangkuan Haydar. They look sweet together. Snap. Aku ambil buat kenangan.
            Ada kurang sejam lagi sebelum Haydar beredar. Meninggalkan aku buat kali yang ketiga. Aku bergerak duduk di sisi Haydar, dengan niat mengalihkan Emmel.
            “Shhss…let me do it. I don’t want to wake her up.” Haydar bersuara sebelum mengalihkan Emmel ke pangkuan aku.
            Dia mengeluarkan telefon bimbit miliknya. Snap. Pantas dia merakam gambar kami bertiga.
Thanks Hana,” tulus ucapan Haydar. “I don’t want this to be the end.
Ya, but you have great responsibility. Larger than your own privacy, greater than mine for sure.
I wish I have more time…
Make that time, Haydar. Aku ingin sekali berkata begitu. Tapi… You know the drill, Hana. How his life works. Bolehkah dia dipersalahkan kerana kehidupannya seperti itu?
I wish I can runaway with you. If only, he can read my mind. Crazy Hana can make that possible? Probably, but it’s hard now when I have new obligation that sealed with a promise to Fawwaz too. Sigh!
“Haydar.” Satu suara menyapa.
Mereka berbalas pandang antara satu sama lain. Aku? I am caught there in between the two of them. I was like? Owh? They know each other? How? When? Where?? Like a rival or sort of close-friend?  
 p/s: hope u olls like it. ** blink. 


Evelyn Rose berkata...

thanks melati ! This is sweet ;) TQ for joining and i like it

Tanpa Nama berkata...

Best2. Comel je happy family. Ehehe

Happy Mind berkata...

this is superbly.nicely written...macam ada can (menang) je ni?

Tanpa Nama berkata...

So far this entry is nicely woven.. Almost the same style like eve's typewriting, hihi.. I enjoy it tremendously!! Good job miss writer!!


Unknown berkata...

Wahhh. They know each other. Menarikkkk..

melati shafika berkata...

huhu thanks Eve, ;D

melati shafika berkata...


melati shafika berkata...

read yours too, sweet oso. **, guess everyone have equal chance to win. I punya flow might not be as same as Eve - who knows...hehe

melati shafika berkata...

** , wink2x malu neh... thanks but can't be compared to Eve's. She's a heck of a writer -

melati shafika berkata...

thanks Hana, read yours - fawwaz fan ha...

Unknown berkata...

Best! Fast paced... :)

El-Muza berkata...

Wow great! flow yg kemas and a look like Eve's style.. Love this.. sweet :)

melati shafika berkata...

Thanks dear. read yours too - interesting one too.

melati shafika berkata...

Thanks Cik Muza - ngee...

Catat Ulasan

Komen pembaca yg comel...;p